This section of the website replaces our parent portal that was previously hosted at a separate domain. Newsletters, term dates and the events calendar are available from the About page of this site.
PDO School PTA
The PTA supports the school by providing fun events and by raising funds to support other events.
A small number of parents expressed an interest in taking specific roles, and therefore have been appointed to the positions. We are delighted to welcome them all to the PTA 2024-2025 and look forward to following on from the positive events that took place last year.
Chair person Amber Oelofse
Vice Chair Paul Creaton
Treasurer Rumiya Lukmanova
Secretary We received no nominations for this role, therefore, Dave Salt, our admissions officer has taken on this role.
Mr Scott is our Community lead and will be working closely with the PTA this year.
All parents are welcome to attend all meetings, which will be announced in the school events calendar shared on this site in all newsletters.
Quiz Night 2024

International Learning

School Board
PDO School is made up of 6 voting members:
Dr Aflah Al Hadhrami - Managing Director and Chair of the School Board,
Faisal Al Zadjali– School Manager,
Timothy Robinson - Headteacher,
Henk van Hout - Head of Shell Education
Kevin Oelofse - PDO Appointee
Divya Reddy - Parent Board Member,​
Dave Salt - Clerk to the Board/PDO School,
Voting members are either appointed by the Managing Director or elected by the school community. Meetings are held termly and some agenda items from these meetings are shared with the school community via the School Newsletter or email.
School Policies